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《China Agrochemicals》Oct.2007

責(zé)任編輯:CCPIA 編輯部 來(lái)源:中國(guó)農(nóng)藥工業(yè)協(xié)會(huì) 日期:2009-02-19

China Agrochemicals

Vol.2 No.2 Oct.2007

Director of Editorial Dept.:Sun
Editor-in-Chief:Hu Xiao-xing Cao
Executive Editor-in-Chief:Connie Ao
Executive Editors:Li Juan Zhu
English Editors:Zhang Yi-bin OU Xiao-
                   ming LI Shao-hua
English Revisers:CHEN Fu-heng
Sponsor: CCPIA
Address: Room 919, Anhuili 4th Area, Chaoyang District, Beijing ,China
Postal Code:100723
E-mail: ccpia_lijuan@vip.163.com
All rights reserved.

China Agrochemicals

Contents (Volume 2, No.2,2007)

Agrochemical Forum
1 Pesticide Production in the First Half of 2007
3 Advances of glyphosate technology
8 Production and Market Situation of Biopesticide Abamectin

12 Green process of for m-dihydroxybenzene realized “China-made”
12 Hydrazine hydrate: huge market potential drives enhancement of production techniques


15 Status of regulation of pesticide inerts in China
16“China’s REACH” has been initiated in an all-round way
16 China determines the objectives and measures to curb POPs
17 Pesticide production cost rises due to conviction of nonyl phenol dumping
17 China adjusts export rebate policy on 2,831 commodities
18 Some amendments to data requirements for Pesticide Registration

R&D News
19 Mplex compound of Iodine, Silicon and Alum gained patents overseas
19 The project “R &D and Industrialization of Innovative Highly active Fungicide SYP Z048” wined the second prize of 2006 State Technological Innovation
20 The project “Producing Glyphosate by Air Oxidation Process” passed experts’ appraisal
20 New biologic vaccine for degrading rice stripe virus
21 A new organic silicon adjuvant based on modified polyoxyalkyleneamine

Market Trends
22 Six innovative insecticides granted registration
22 China will dispose and manage the abandoned POPs waste in a centralized manner
23 Jiangsu Rudong Pesticide Industry Park launches three new projects
24 MOA issued urgent notice on fighting against rice planthoppers for the serious resistance to imidacloprid
25 Who will take the lead after phasing-out of Five Highly-toxic Organophosphorus Pesticide (Methamidophos, etc)

26 Nantong Jiangshan Agrochemical & Chemicals Co., Ltd.
27 Zhejiang Xin’an Chemical Industrial Group Co.,Ltd.
28 Anhui Huaxing Chemical Co.,Ltd.

Self-independence Creation
29 A novel sulfonylurea insecticide ——Fufenozide

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