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An Interview with Claudio Mereu: New Trends in EU Registration Policies

責(zé)任編輯:Ellie Xu 來源:China Crop Protection Industry Association 日期:2016-11-14

說明: \MithrasmarketingcollateralsPictures2014Claudio MereuMereu Claudio 25.jpgClaudio Mereu is a partner in our Brussels office, where he heads the EU Regulatory Group and the firms Life Sciences Group. He is also Joint Managing Partner of the Brussels office.

2016 China International Forum on Procurement and Service of Pesticides was held in Shanghai on 16, Oct. 2016 during ACE conference. Dr. Claudio Mereu gave a wonderful speech on New Trends in EU Registration Policies, which attracted a large number of Chinese participants. After conference, Dr. Claudio accepted the interview by CCPIA.

* What influence does the new policy have on China enterprises to register in EU?

Regulation decisions in the EU are important not only for companies that are already present in the EU but also for those interested in global marketing, since decisions about the same ingredient may have impact on their business. For example, Chinese companies may be unable to continue supplying EU-based customers if certain active ingredients are banned or restricted in the EU. Moreover, once the EU adopts regulation decisions concerning an active ingredient it is likely that other countries such as the US will also look into the same ingredient thereby potentially triggering new decisions also in the US. This is why the review of active ingredient in the EU is vey important as it may have repercussions beyond the EU.

*What does the EU s attitude after extension of glyphosates use with 18 months?

The situation of glyphosate is controversial. However, despite the fact that it took a long time for the EU to reach a temporary solution, the final outcome will only be known in 12-18 months. Indeed, the European commission is awaiting a new assessment from the European Chemical Agency which is expected later this year. The main concern does not seem to be glyphosate itself but some formulations containing a co-formulant named TOE-tallowamine. He Commission has recommended restricting the use of glyphosate products public areas and ban this co-formulan. There is general still support for glyphosate from most EU countries. Notwithstanding, it is important to monitor closely the next steps until the end of the temporary approval of glyphosate in 18 months. 

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