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China Strobilurin Fungicides Symposium

責(zé)任編輯:Ellie Xu 來源:China Crop Protection Industry Association 日期:2016-06-03

(1) The registration development and assessment of strobilurin fungicides

(2) Global market general situation and rearch progress of strobilurin fungicides

(3) Main technical synthesis process research of strobilurin fungicides

(4) Confecting and processing of Pyraclostrobin and azoxystrobin formulation

(5) The application and development of strobilurin fungicides in China

(6) The pesticide effect contrast and assessment for main product of strobilurin fungicides

(7) The promotion strategy and future development analysis of strobilurin fungicides for transnational corporation

(8) Analysis for registration hot product of strobilurin fungicides


Location: Jiangsu Changzhou

Date: 22-23, June

If you want to learn more this Symposium or market report of strobilurin fungicides, please contact me.




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