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China increasing soybean production to meet demand

責(zé)任編輯:Ellie Xu 來源:China Crop Protection Industry Association 日期:2016-05-25

China will plant more soybean and improve yield to fill a gap between supply and demand, the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) said on Tuesday.


By 2020, China will have 140 million mu (9.33 million hectares) of soybean planting areas, 40 million mu more than in 2015, and these areas will produce 135 kg of soybean per mu, 15 kg more than the current level, according to an MOA statement.


The government will invest in technology to improve yield and strengthen policy support for soybean farmers, it said.


Impacted by imports, Chinas soybean production has decreased in recent years as profit margins dwindled. However, demand for the protein-rich grain is increasing.

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