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China’s Agrochemical Industry Revenue sees stable growth from Jan. to Nov. 2015

責(zé)任編輯:Ellie Xu 來源:China Crop Protection Industry Association 日期:2016-01-19


According to the data issued by the National Bureau of Statistics, the main business revenue of China agrochemical industry from January to November 2015 reached 28.117 trillion, an increase of 5.7% YoY, and the profit totaled 1.985 trillion of, up 5.1% YoY. The total profit of chemical agrochemicals rose 4.5% YoY, while that of biochemical and microbial pesticides increased by 9.4% YoY, keeping slow growth.


Economic indicators of the agrochemical industry in the first eleven months of 2015  


Despite a smaller growth of the overall profit from January to May 2015, the number of money-losing enterprises added 2.7% YoY, the amount of loss was RMB 0.77 billion, up 62.2% YoY, the percentage of money-losing enterprises increased 0.3% over the year.


Losses of the agrochemical industry in the first eleven months of 2015  


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