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2015 December Issue of China Agrochemicals

責(zé)任編輯:Ellie Xu 來(lái)源:China Crop Protection Industry Association 日期:2016-01-15

The latest issue (Dec 2015) of China Agrochemicals comes out, see highlights follow:

1) Review and Forecast of the Pesticide Market in 2015
2) China’s Total Grain Yield in 2015 Increased by 2.4% YoY
3) Ten Pesticide Enterprises Listed in MIIT’s Demonstrated Projects of Green Production Processes
4) The Agrochemical Industry Closing up with Slowdown in 2015 and will Maintain Low in 2016
5) First silthiofam Technical Registration Obtained by Domestic Company in China
6) Top 30 Exporting Companies of China Agrochemical


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