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2016 Exhibition list

責(zé)任編輯:Ellie Xu 來(lái)源:China Crop Protection Industry Association 日期:2016-01-06

AgroChemEx Shanghai
16th China International Agrochemical Conference&Exhibition
Shanghai World Expo Exhibiton&Convention Center
16-18 October,2016


AgroChemEx  Myanmar
The 8th International Agrochemical Exhibition & Southeast Asia Crop Protection Forum
15-16 June, 2016   Yangon, Myanmar

AgroChemEx  Peru
The 9th International Agrochemical Exhibition & South America Crop Protection Forum
29-30 August, 2016   Lima, Peru

AgroChemEx  India
The 10th International Agrochemical Exhibition & Asia Crop Protection Forum
10-11 November, 2016   Goa, India


Organized by:
China Crop Protection Industry Association (CCPIA)
China National Chemical Information Center (CNCIC)

中國(guó)農(nóng)藥工業(yè)網(wǎng) 版權(quán)所有


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