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Price of glyphosate TC has been declining for NINE months in a row

責(zé)任編輯:Cong Lv 來源:China Crop Protection Industry Association 日期:2015-01-30


According to CCPIA Monthly Bulletin of Statistics of China Agrochemicals, VWAP of glyphosate TC decreased by $250 per tonne in Dec 2014. Till now, glyphosate price has been declining for 9 months in a row. Actually now some manufacturers’ quotation dipped to around $ 3000 per tonne. Slack demand from overseas is a main reason of causing the depression.



In Dec, there are 24 manufacturers operating, three more than that of last month. Production of glyphosate TC increased by 13.53 month-on-month, and sales up significantly by 54.74%. Demand of glyphosate in China market also performed poorly recently, pressure of stock for the enterprises is increasing, plus there isn’t strong support with respect of price. Hence it’s expected that in Jan 2015, price of glyphosate TC will keep going down.

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