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General Information of AgroChemEx Conference 2014

責(zé)任編輯:Cong Lv 來源:China Crop Protection Industry Association 日期:2014-09-28

Agenda of AgroChemEx Conference 2014




9:10-17:10   2014-10-28 

Sheraton Shanghai Hotel & Residences

2014 National Agrochemical Exchange Meeting

09:00-17:30, 2014-10-29

Sheraton Shanghai Hotel & Residences

2014 International Conference on Crop Protection-Sponsored by Jiangshan

09:00-17:00, 2014-10-29

Sheraton Shanghai Hotel & Residences

2014 China International Forum on Procurement and Service of Pesticides-Sponsored by Trustchem (Simultaneous Interpretation)

09:00-12:00, 2014-10-30

Meeting Room 1, Shanghai World Expo Exhibition Convention Center

2014 China Agrochemical Industry Summit-Sponsored By Fuhua Tongda

09:00-12:10, 2014-10-30

Sheraton Shanghai Hotel & Residences

2014 China Agrochemical New Product and Technology Conference

13:00-17:00, 2014-10-30

Sheraton Shanghai Hotel & Residences

2014 BASF China Agriculture Development Forum


Detail information please click the following link:

General Information for ACE Conference 2014.pdf

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