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Drought Persists in over Ten Provinces, Exerting Continuous Impact on the Pesticide Market

責(zé)任編輯:Cong Lv 來源:China Crop Protection Industry Association 日期:2014-08-20

According to China Meteorological Administration, there have been droughts in over ten provinces in China, such as Shandong, Henan, since this July. Currently, except for Shandong, the effects of drought on which have been basically mitigated, most of other provinces are still suffering from meteorological droughts of severe or moderate effects.

Meteorological monitor shows that in July, some regions in Shandong, Henan, southern Shaanxi, southern Ningxia, eastern Gansu, central Hubei, northwestern Anhui, central and eastern North China, eastern Sichuan Basin, western Liaoning, and central Inner Mongolia underwent meteorological droughts of severe or moderate effects. Among all these provinces and regions, some areas in central and eastern Henan province suffered extreme droughts. 

The worst-hit province, Henan, has been suffering from the most severe “summer drought” in 63 years. The drought-stricken area of autumn grain crops has reached 25.83 million mu (1,722,000 hectares), of which, 7.39 million mu (492,666 hectares) suffered severe drought. Many regions in Henan province reported water supply emergency.

The drought will affect the pesticide market in these arid regions.

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