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Review on Mergers and Acquisitions of Chinese Pesticide Enterprises in the First Half of 2014

責(zé)任編輯:Cong Lv 來源:China Crop Protection Industry Association 日期:2014-07-07

Since the release of Pesticide Industry Policy in 2010 and Specialized Planning for Development of Pesticide Industry during the 12th Five-Year Plan in 2011, the pesticide industry develops towards increased industrial concentration with a faster merger and restructuring pace. During the first half of 2014, there are fourteen pesticide enterprises which have merged their assets for pesticide production. The details are listed as below:


Before the Merger

After the Merger

Company Name

Company Name

Registered Capital (Million Yuan)

Ganzhou Weinong Pesticide Co., Ltd.

Ganzhou Weinong Pesticide Co., Ltd.


Jiangxi Suifeng Pesticide Co., Ltd.

Anyang Quanfeng Biotech Co., Ltd.

Anyang Quanfeng Biotech Co., Ltd.


Anyang Chemical Experiment Plant

Hebei Shenghe Chemical Co., Ltd.

Hebei Shenghe Chemical Co., Ltd.


Chemical Plant of Hebei Normal University

Shenyang Research Institute of Chemical Industry (Nantong) Chemical Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd.

Shenyang Research Institute of Chemical Industry (Nantong) Chemical Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd.


Jiangsu Huanong Seed Coating Co., Ltd.

Shenyang Aiwei Technology Development Co., Ltd.

Shenyang Aiwei Technology Development Co., Ltd.


Shenyang Xingnong Chemical Co., Ltd.

Shanxi Guangda Chemical Co., Ltd.

Shanxi Guangda Chemical Co., Ltd.


Fujian Haolun Bioengineering Technology Co., Ltd.

Zhangzhou Longwen Agrochemicals Co., Ltd.

Zhangzhou Longwen Agrochemicals Co., Ltd.


Fujian Kefeng Pesticide Co., Ltd.


Furthermore, a number of pesticide enterprises have frequently made business transfers and acquisitions. Hubei Xingfa Chemicals Group Co., Ltd. made a purchase of 51% of Taisheng Chemicals shares originally held by Jinfanda Biochemical, becoming the absolute controlling shareholder of Taisheng Chemicals, which further completed its phosphorus chemical industry chain. Huifeng Agrochemical invested 125 million yuan in Jiangsu Jialong Chemical Co., Ltd., purchasing 53.2% of its total shares. Jialong Chemicals 20,000 tons of phosgene production capacity per year provides key raw material for Huifeng Agrochemicals various product production, which will optimize Huifeng Agrochemicals production level and expand the domestic market. Recently, Jiangsu Yangnong Chemical Group announced that after Jinmao Group transferred 100,000 of its shares of Yangnong Group to Sinochem Group gratis, the latter became the actual controller over Yangnong Chemical Group for it held a total of 40.59% of Yangnong Groups shares. Yangnong Group was the original controlling shareholder of Yangnong Chemical Group. This share transfer will undoubtedly promote the integration of glyphosate industry.

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