• 中國農(nóng)藥工業(yè)協(xié)會
  • 金旺智能
  • 中國農(nóng)藥工業(yè)協(xié)會
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Action Plan for Reducing High-risk Pollutants Issued

責任編輯:Cong Lv 來源:China Crop Protection Industry Association 日期:2014-05-12

Recently, the Action Plan for Reducing High-risk Pollutants was issued jointly by MIIT and MOF.

In the Action Plan, main objectives are made clear. Pesticide-related requirements in the Plan include: By 2017, through the implementation of the Plan, substitute high-toxic pesticides 50,000 tonnes a year and reduce the use of harmful solvents such as benzene, methylbenzene and xylene by 33,000 tonnes a year.

To implement the clean production projects of high-toxic pesticide alternatives, it is proposed in the Action Plan to develop a batch of high-toxic pesticide alternatives, and support pesticide enterprises to adopt efficient, safe and environment-friendly new pesticides and develop alternatives for 12 high-toxic pesticides (methidathion, phorate, isofenphos-methyl, methomyl, ethoprophos, aldicarb, aluminium phosphide, omethoate, isocarbophos, methyl bromide and endosulfan). Meanwhile, in response to the Limit of Harmful Solvents of Pesticide Emulsifiable Concentrate issued not long ago, the Action Plan has proposed promoting the optimization and upgrading of pesticide formulation types, including replacing out-dated formulations such as powder with water-based formulations (such as EW, SC and WDG etc.), accelerating eliminating the use of harmful auxiliaries such as alkylphenol in pesticides, and reducing the use of harmful organic solvents.

Additionally, to encourage the popularization of clean production technologies, the special fund for clean production of the central government will reward projects with remarkable implementation effect.

Since last year, the government has attached great importance to issuing and implementing environmental protection policies, which has positive impact on the development of the pesticide industry. High-toxic pesticide varieties are being replaced more rapidly. The rise of the formulation market threshold can help inhibit excessive production capacity, regulate improper competition in the market and promote sustainable development of the industry. During this process, those who can quickly sense the policy and implement measures for high-toxic pesticide alternative production, clean production and environmental protection will be the final winner.

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