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The 2nd China International Forum on Procurement and Service of Crop Protection Products

責(zé)任編輯:本站編輯 來源: 日期:2009-04-01

The Global Crop Protection Market where we are, how we got here and where next
Dr. Lenord Copping (Expert in pesticide biology and pesticide informatics; editor of Outlook of Crop Protection, vice-chairman of the editorial board of Pest Management Science, editor of the British crop protection Council’s (BCPC) BioPesticide Manual)
It reviews the history of pesticide development, analyzes current situation (ep. the conflict between fuel or food production), gives detailed introduction to global pesticide market scale and existing variety, application and sale of generic pesticide products, and finally point a way out for this industry.

Responsible Care of BASF Agrochemicals in China
Quality Assurance within BASF Asia Pacific

Dr Cai Lemin, senior manager, BASF Asia Pacific ;
Sabine Beselay, Quality Assurance Manager, BASF AP - ASIA PACIFIC
How to prevent cross-contamination when producing different products using the same product line; How multinationals choose their Chinese partners, elaborating related requirement such as on production control, quality management, products standards, and etc.

Trend in Agrochemical Formulation
Jerry Zhang, Zagro Singapore
With the global pesticide situation as the background, it elaborates current status and future trend of formulation, giving special description to emulsifiers choosing, production process of micro-emulsions and water dispersible granule (WDG), and combination formulations with glyphosate.

Crop Care Asia’S Core Concept
Dr Kwa Siew Hwa, Director, Projects, Zagro Singapore
Sales and application of pesticide and fertilizer in East Asia market, including Bengal, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam.
Overview of Indian Agrochemical Market
Dr. Charles Guo Asia Pacific R&D Manager, Chemtura Corporation
Overview of Indian agriculture and agrochemical Sector;Product Registration Overview; Entering the Indian Market?
Current Status of Crop Protection Business in Malaysia——Usage, Distribution and Product Registration
CH Tong, Manager Director, Imaspro Corporation Bhd
Tan Suei, Business Development Director, Imaspro Resources Sdn Bhd
EU registration of plant protection products and national Italian rules: An analysis of the opportunities
Roberto Da Gasso, Expedia Mediterranean Regulatory Consulting Company S.r.l.
There are broadly three categories of products registered in EU, the so called product A, product B, product C. Their registration vary in cost, required document, application time, and expire date. This report will let you understand how to apply registration for the above 3 types of products according to Annex I,,Annex II, Annex III listed as attachment to Dir 91/414/EC. Besides, it will also give a brief explanation to what is happening in Italy market.

Starting to Understand Australia & NZ

Ross Runge, Managing Director, Runge Agrichems Pty Ltd.,
Sales of agricultural chemicals into Australia and New Zealand represent about 2% of total global demand. The markets for agricultural chemicals in Australia and New Zealand are influenced by circumstances that are quite different to those operating in larger international markets. Climatic conditions, crops, livestock, farmer profiles, distribution systems, economics of farming and regulatory requirements are unique. Suppliers to these markets must be aware of key factors influencing demand and act accordingly without taking experiences from other markets as being applicable in Australia and New Zealand.

Direct from the Plant Protection Chemical Manufacturer in China to the End-User in Ukraine
Neonila Martyniuk, Manager of international affairs department, Agro-Soyuz Corporation
Current situation of agriculture in Ukraine, including the crop system, application and market demands of major pesticides; Instructions for registrations of plant protection chemicals in Ukraine

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