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China Agrochemicals (October 2006)

責(zé)任編輯:本站編輯 來源: 日期:2009-03-12

Contents (Volume 1, No.1,2006)

Agrochemical Forum
3 The Status of China Agrochemical Industry
8 Imidacloprid
10 China Agrochemical Manufacturers Ranking in 2005


R&D News
12 The Key Program of National Tenth Five-Year Plan--Pesticide Innovation,Development and Industrialization of Key Technologies Have Been Checked and Accepted
13 China Has Made Great Progress in The Research of The Bio-Synthesis Mechanism Of Jinggangmycin (Validamycin)
13 The Research Project ‘Oligoysaccharide Biopesticide’ Gained Dalian Science and Technology Award
14 A New Pesticide for Preventing and Curing Diseases of Melon, Fruit and Vegetable Developed Shanghai Jiaotong University

14 The first OECD-certified GLP Laboratory in China
15 CHG invest 800 million RMB to Establish a Pesticides Lattop of China.
15 Unveil of Nantong Technology Center of Syngenta and break erath of Yangzi #1 project.

Market Trends
15 Methamidophos and Other Four Organophosphates Pesticides Will Be Ban Soon
16 Scope of Plant Diseases and Insect Pests in China
16 The Expanding of the Bt Planting Area

Self-independence Creation
17 Flumorph, A New Commercialized Oomycete Fungicide

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